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Ball on Tennis Court


top to bottom tennis coaching providers

a sport for all


Delgado Tennis is a tennis coaching provider and managed and owned by Paul Delgado who is also Director and joint owner of Living Tennis. Our main aim is to deliver top to bottom tennis coaching programmes for all our clients and partners.


Delgado Tennis was established in 2001 and over the years has operated tennis coaching programmes across the UK in over 50 venues. In 2012 Paul Delgado also launched Living Tennis with Martin Lee in order to combine community coaching with High performance coaching. All Delgado Tennis coaching programmes offer a pathway to The Delgado and Lee Pro Academy which is managed and delivered at Bisham Abbey National sports Centre.

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the senior team

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Paul Delgado

Paul is the Director and owner of Delgado Tennis and is also the joint Director and owner of Living Tennis

Jamie Delgado

Jamie supports  Delgado Tennis, living Tennis and the Delgado and Lee Pro Academy


DELGADO tennis venues

LIVING tennis venues

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